Tracking System Planer
The dolly has compact dimensions and perfectly suits for studios, easily fitting in small room.
«Planer» has been designed as a multifunctional universal camera complex and has given a good account of itself during work on big concert grounds. The system is compact, that allows its usage in small studios. It is equipped with a special cable-laying system which avoids tangling and twisting of the cables.
Platform dimensions 630mm х 380mm(2 ft x 1 ft 3 in)
Width of the rail track 350mm(1 ft 1 in)
Operation corridor size 660mm(2 ft 2 in)
Installation point of the trolley Aluminium traverse systems (girders), types: U – 250Q, U – 300Q, U – 350Q, P – 500Q
Distance between the girder and the optical axis 1260mm(4 ft 1 in)
Power supply 220 V~ +/- 15% *7.5 A
Maximum speed 3 m/s (9.84fps)
Maximum acceleration 1,9 m/(s²) (6.23 fps)
Maximum/minimum temperature 313/233 К; (+40/-30)°С
Relative air humidity 80%
Технічна підтримка 24/7
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