Supertechno 30
The telescopic crane SuperTechno is exquisite development in the remote technology over the years. It ensures the solutions for the commercial projects, musical video, films, tv and sport programmes.
SuperTechno – the unique remote crane, which can be telescoped during the flight. The speed of telescopic boom may vary from 1 m/h up to 1,6 m/s (from 3.28 fph up to 5.25 fps).
Additionally according to the client’s wish SuperTechno 30 can be completed by rails, general panorama of which is 20 meters (65 ft 7 in).
Also there is special case Rain Cover, which gives the possibility to work with cranes SuperTechno in rainy weather.
One of the largest advantages of the telescope over usual cranes is its work in places, that are difficult to reach. So you can easily make a dynamic shot into the window of house for example or another element of decoration. Constitutive machinery of SuperTechno and the gyro-stabilized platforms Active Head ensure the smoothness of sequence, and is also important the noiseless run, especially for the studio works.
This new generation of the cranes will make it possible to add showiness for your projects. Telescope SuperTechno 30 during the motion is capable to propose you cadres, that are not possible to reach with any cranes of the fixed length.
The telescopic crane SuperTechno 30 is supplied with the 3 axis gyro-stabilized Active Head.
Maximum lens height 9.2 m (30 ft 2 in)
Maximum telescopic extent 6.9 m (22 ft 8 in)
Maximum speed 2.8 m /sec (9 ft 2 in per sec.)
Maximum camera weight 35 kg (77 lb 3 oz.)
Total weight 1200 kg (2645 lb 9 oz.)
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