Remotely controlled camera dolly “Stels” is platform that provide straight or radius movement on a rail pattern with simultaneous sinking and lifting of a stabilized panoramic head. This new generation of remote-controlled platforms with advanced technologies. To improve safety, dolly is equipped with electronic-parts and monitoring system of the track, an automatic lift with smooth change of lifting speeds.
- Higher speed opportunities and better quality of picture comparing to a hard truck;
- Quick assembling;
- Easy transportation;
- Precise and simple remote control;
- Safety
Platform dimensions 1425 mm x 605mm (4 ft 8 in x 2 ft)
Width of the rail track 500mm (1 ft 7 in)
Operation corridor size 1000mm (3 ft 3 in)
Power supply 180- 264 V 12A@220V
Maximum speed 6m/s(19.69fps)
Maximum acceleration 12m/(s₂)(3.94fps)
Allowable slope of the installation 3°
Maximum/minimum temperature (+40/-20)° C
Relative air humidity 80%
Технічна підтримка 24/7
Ми завжди на зв'язку. Якщо потрібна допомога, фахівці нададуть вам детальну консультацію або виїдуть на місце для вирішення технічних питань.

technical support 24/7
We are always in touch. If you need help, our specialists will provide you with detailed advice or visit you on site to resolve technical issues.