Steel Boy 15
SteelBoy is a new generation of camera cranes. SteelBoy being lighter and easy to dismantle and reassemble is ideal for use on small and large sound stages, also because of its rigidity it is perfect for usage on a tracking vehicle. The crane can be mounted to any platform via standard Mitchell flat base. The crane can take power from AC or DC (battery) sources.
- Quick assembly
- Compact size and light weight
- Fast and effective rebalancing and calibration
- AC and DC powering
- Straight line compensation and pan compensation
Max Lens height 6m (19.7 ft)
Max telescopic extent 3.1m (10.2 ft)
Max payload with camera 50kg (110.2 lb)
Max speed 1.3 m/s | 1.9 m/s(by request)
Технічна підтримка 24/7
Ми завжди на зв'язку. Якщо потрібна допомога, фахівці нададуть вам детальну консультацію або виїдуть на місце для вирішення технічних питань.

technical support 24/7
We are always in touch. If you need help, our specialists will provide you with detailed advice or visit you on site to resolve technical issues.