Pendant mobile system with dynamic telescoping camera lift — it’s pendant system, providing movement of TOWERCAM TWIN-PEEK 2 in 1 or StarCam MK II on the rectilinear trajectory.
It is possible to operate the camera in two coordinates, X- TOWERCAM TWIN-PEEK 2 in 1 or StarCam MK II, Y – mobile platform.
Lensheight (in) 2,47m
Liftspeed 1 m/s
Weight 100 kg
Load 60 kg – 75 kg
Voltage 230 V AC
Lensheight (out) 5,47m
Width of the rail track 620mm
Operation corridor size 1200mm
Installation point Aluminium traverse systems (girders), types: U-350Q, U-400Q
Distance between the girder and the optical axis 3200mm
Power supply 220 V— +/- 15% *10 A
Maximum speed 1 m/s
Maximum/minimum temperature 313/233 K; (+40/-30)°C
Relative air humidity 80%
Технічна підтримка 24/7
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