Active Head MINI
Compact and lightweight 3 axis head. The MINI model was developed especially for ALEXA MINI size or smaller movie cameras, can be used also with compact broadcast cameras. Main achievement - Active Head MINI doesn’t have any mechanical limits for TILT and ROLL. It can do 360 by TILT and ROLL as many times as it needs to do. Due to the fact the Active Head MINI doesn’t have any interconnection cables for TILT and ROLL, as well It has neither cables nor sliprings inside TILT and ROLL frames, it performs the highest level of reliability.
- High stabilization level
- High angular velocity for all axis
- 360 by TILT as many times as it needs
- 360 by ROLL as many times as it needs
- True Autohorizont (gravity dependent)
- Programmable limits for all axis
- Hardwire or wireless control
- Compact and lightweight
- Fast rebalancing
- Solid design
- Quick assembly
Payload 12 kg
Weight 10 kg
Height 509 mm (20 inch)
Width 522 mm (23 inch)
Depth 170 mm (7 inch)
PAN velocity 270 deg/sec
TILT velocity 200 deg/sec
ROLL velocity 200 deg/sec
Power requirement 110/220 VAC
Power consumption 200W (600 W peak)
Технічна підтримка 24/7
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